Motorcycle Accidents

A collision between a car and a motorcycle can be devastating, and even more so when both vehicles are driving at high speeds.

Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident?

Our referral lawyers will assist you.

Both passengers, drivers, and even pedestrians suffer more catastrophic injuries when motorcycles are involved in accidents because they are more violent and severe.

How do motorcycle accidents happen?

Since motorcyclists do not have a strong metal structure to protect them, they are much more vulnerable to severe accidents. A motorcyclist involved in an accident has the same rights as any other driver and might be entitled to compensation. The reasons for accidents can be many, such as the passing of a vehicle, an unexpected turn, or simply not seeing another driver or person. Our referral attorneys in the United States are trained to help you advocate for your rights and obtain maximum compensation.

Important considerations in the context of motorcycle accidents

1. Liability: The United States operates under a system of driving liability. This means that if a person causes an accident, they are responsible for paying for the damages and injuries to the people involved.

2. Traffic laws: There are traffic laws that govern driving, such as speed limits, traffic signs, and rules of the road. If a person is in violation of these laws and causes an accident, they may be liable.

3. Injuries and damages: When a person suffers injuries or damages in a car accident, they may file a lawsuit to recover medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Importance of a motorcycle accident lawyer

1. Legal protection: Attorneys will help protect the victim's rights and ensure that they receive fair compensation for the injuries and damages suffered.

2. Case reconstruction: Lawyers help to reconstruct the accident from the information provided by the victim or third parties.

3. Successful negotiations: Motorcycle accident attorneys are excellent negotiators due to their experience in dealings with insurance companies and other attorneys.

4. Representación en la corte: Es posible que un caso de accidente de moto deba ir a juicio. Un abogado tendrá todos los argumentos y pruebas para resolver y representar a su cliente.

Why you should consider hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer

1. Manage medical expenses: Depending on the nature of the accident, the person or persons involved will most likely need medication and medical care, and their attorney can take care of that management.

2. Help with the recovery and rehabilitation process: Attorneys provide support and assistance in finding the best medical options for the victims.

3. Property damage The motorcycle is likely to be wrecked or have recoverable damages, and these are considered a form of compensation in insurance claims.

4. Negotiate for maximum compensation: Evalúa los daños que ha sufrido y determina la cantidad de compensación que debe recibir.

4. Negociación para máxima compensación: Compensation must cover the expenses and losses caused by the accident, and attorneys will work to achieve that.

What to do in case of a motorcycle accident?

The rider is likely to be seriously injured after a motorcycle accident. Therefore, the first thing to do is to call 911 for immediate assistance. People should also leave the scene to avoid further damage from, among other things, gasoline leaks.

To start a concrete investigation, it is essential to collect the evidence related to the accident. Photos or videos, police reports, information from people involved and witnesses (full name, phone number, home address, type of motorcycle, and license plate) will help the experts to clarify the case.

Most common injuries after a motorcycle accident

Depending on the severity of the accident, these injuries may vary. Some of the most common injuries are:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Brain injuries
  • Wrongful death
  • Lower extremity injuries: bumps, scratches, fractures (hips, legs, arms), and friction burns (legs, knees, ankles, and feet.)

Few motorcyclists can return to their daily lives immediately after an accident. Therefore, a motorcycle accident attorney must be skilled and help victims meet their needs and receive adequate compensation for damages incurred.

Have you been a victim of accidents?

Contact us
