Burn Injuries

After the recovery process, victims of fire-related burns may suffer collateral damage.

Have you suffered a burn injury?

Our referral lawyers will assist you.

Burn injuries can be extremely painful and long-lasting, resulting in several losses and damages, including medical expenses, permanent disability, and mental and emotional anguish.

How do burn injuries accidents happen?

These injuries can occur for a variety of reasons and can affect both children and adults. Burn injuries can result from electrical failures, damaged appliances, gas leaks, and other causes. Burns can also be related to the misuse of chemical products and can cause severe trauma and other complications, which is why our referral attorneys are available to help you obtain compensation for your losses and suffering.

Importance of a burn injury lawyer

Our burn injury lawyers initiate an accident investigation to determine the cause of the fire and can work with engineers, firefighters, insurance investigators, and other experts to determine the cause of the burn injuries.

They focus on getting clients the medical care they need and obtaining fair compensation to cover ongoing medical expenses, especially when dealing with the insurer or insurers.

Types of burn injuries

Depending on the severity and depth of the skin lesion, there are three types of burns:

1. First Degree Burns: They affect only the top layer of skin (epidermis). These burns are the least severe and are characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and peeling of the skin.

3. Second Degree Burns: These affect the epidermis and the middle layer of the skin (dermis). These burns are characterized by blistering, redness, and crusting of the skin and can be very painful.

3. Third Degree Burns: These involve all layers of the skin, including the underlying tissue. These burns are severe and can permanently damage the skin and underlying tissues. The skin may appear white, black, or charred, and there is no pain sensation in the burned area due to nerve destruction.

Have you been a victim of accidents?

Contact us
